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package saving中文是什么意思

用"package saving"造句"package saving"怎么读"package saving" in a sentence


  • 综合储蓄


  • Indicates whether the package saves checkpoints
  • My financial package savings investment health protection womens benefits
  • For example , packages saved in
  • A software package saved in this format is the zipped format of an . spd file
    保存为该种格式的软件包是一个. spd文件的压缩格式。
  • To execute an ssis package saved to the file system , use the following code
    若要验证使用windows身份验证并保存在sql server中的包但不执行该包,可使用以下代码:
  • Running packages to execute an ssis package saved to sql server using windows authentication , use the following code
    若要使用windows身份验证执行保存到sql server的ssis包,可使用以下代码:
  • Enable save to meta data services property was enabled : " warning : packages saved to meta data services should not be considered secure
    对话框将显示以下警告: “警告:保存到元数据服务的包应视为不安全。
  • Database ; therefore , you should make sure that the configuration files are backed up regularly as part of your plan for securing packages saved to
  • The package migration wizard can only access dts packages saved to meta data services if sql server 2000 , the sql server 2000 tools , or the repository redistributable files are present on the computer . if a package is located in an
    仅当计算机上安装了sql server 2000 、 sql server 2000工具或存储库可再发行文件时,包迁移向导才可访问保存到meta data services中的dts包。
用"package saving"造句  
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